Over the DM's Shoulder

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Asp Short Stories

In addition to the novels Nobody Knows Me, its prequel Two Different Things Can Just Be Different, and its sequel, You Changed Too, I've written a slew of short stories to fill in various gaps and add to the little world I've created for her with the DM of the campaign depicted in You Changed Too. Feel free to check out the various stories, listed here with a guide to where they belong in Asp's timeline.


Nobody Knows Me

In the time jump between chapters 15 and 16, I've written a variety of stories that show some of Asp's adventures with the Hollowstride Gang. There's no particular order to these, so please browse freely. 

"No Matter What"


"At a Crossroads"

In an effort to figure out how Asp got from the end of Nobody Knows Me to the campaign where I've been playing her, I wrote this five-chapter arc of stories that transports her from outside Despair Prison to the mysterious land of Afira and the elven city of Lo'Torrin. These are intended to bridge the gap to the novel that tells the story of the campaign, You Changed Too

Chapter 5: Street Smarts


Two Different Things Can Just Be Different

The chapters of this prequel jump entire years of Asp's life; these stories are meant to fill in important moments that didn't necessarily belong in the narrative arc of the novel. These necessarily take place between particular chapters--I'll leave you to determine where specifically they come in. 


You Changed Too

Toward the end of the novel, there are several time jumps after the main adventure of the heroes has ended. These short stories are meant to fill in details that were skipped over in the novel, largely in order to keep the pace going and stick to the most important parts of the story the novel focuses on. 

"A Blessing I Never Thought to Ask For"

"New Mistakes" 

"That's Not Fair"

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